Comet C/2022 E3 ZTF
In the middle of a vast yellow carpet of billion stars, a jewel glowing, with it's distinct red emission called SH2-82 or Sharpless 82. This emission nebula, also known under other names, such as Little Cocoon or Little Trifid, due to her visual resemblance to a very well-known Cocoon and Trifid nebulas. SH2-82 is about 3600 light years from Earth and located in constellation Sagitta.
The red emission glow of SH2-82 is caused by the star near the center of a nebula under catalog name HD321616. As seen in the image, the red emission nebula is shrouded in a very faint bluish glow, which is a reflection nebula and as a whole holding signs of a star formation region. Also very well distinct dark lanes or patches, that crossing the Sh2-82 is a dark clouds of a compressed gas blocking the starlight called LDN 727. Relatively small but enchanting nebula that lies on the rift of our beloved home - Milky Way galaxy.
Technical Info:
Optics : Takahashi FSQ106-EDX4 @ F5 @ 530 mm
Camera : Moravian G3-61000 Pro
Filters : Chroma - LRGB Filter Set - 50 mm
Mount : NEQ-6 Pro (Self Hypertuned/Belt Mod)
Guiding: Moravian OAG + SX Lodestar X2
Acquisition : Voyager 2.3.6.
Exposure : L (1x1) - 13 x 120 26 Minutes
R (1x1) - 11 x 120 22 Minutes
G (1x1) - 11 x 120 22 Minutes
B (1x1) - 11 x 120 22 Minutes
Total Exposure: 1 Hours 32 Minutes
Processing : PixInsight 1.8.9-1.
Date: (26.01.2023)